So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
3 years ago
call iisreset
xcopy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\[CRM INSTALL FOLDER]\Server\bin\assembly" /i /d /y
xcopy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).pdb" "C:\[CRM INSTALL FOLDER]\Server\bin\assembly" /i /d /y = "none";
var url = prependOrgName("/isv/controls/multipicklist.aspx");
url += "?toentity=gi_creditcard" ;
url += "&toattribute=gi_card";
url += "&fromentity=" + crmForm.ObjectTypeName;
url += "&id=" + (crmForm.ObjectId?crmForm.ObjectId:"");
url += "&orgname=" + ORG_UNIQUE_NAME;
document.all["IFRAME_CreditCards"].src = url;
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
border:0px solid;
<script language="javascript">
MultiPicklist = {};
MultiPicklist.CrmForm = null;
MultiPicklist.Storage = null;
MultiPicklist.OnLoad = function()
MultiPicklist.CrmForm = parent.document.all.crmForm;
MultiPicklist.Storage = MultiPicklist.CrmForm.<%=Entity2Name%>;
MultiPicklist.CrmForm.attachEvent( "onsave" , MultiPicklist.OnSave );
MultiPicklist.OnSave = function()
var items = "";
var MultiBox = document.all.MultiBox;
for( var i = 0 ; i < MultiBox.options.length ; i++ )
if( MultiBox.options[i].selected == true )
items += MultiBox.options[i].value + ",";
MultiPicklist.Storage.DataValue = items.replace(/,$/i,"");
<body leftmargin="0" onload="MultiPicklist.OnLoad()" scroll="no" topmargin="0">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<ASP:LISTBOX CSSCLASS="listbox" ID="MultiBox" SELECTIONMODE="Multiple" RUNAT="server">
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy;
namespace Controls
public partial class multipicklist : System.Web.UI.Page
/// <summary>
/// Current Organizaton Name
/// </summary>
private String OrganizationName;
/// <summary>
/// The Primary Entity (contact) ObjectId (crmForm.ObjectId)
/// </summary>
private Guid ObjectId;
/// <summary>
/// The Primary Entity (contact) Name (typename)
/// </summary>
private String Entity1Name;
/// <summary>
/// The Related N:N Entity (gi_creditcard) Name
/// This should also be the name of the transport attribute
/// on the Primary Entity (gi_creditcard attribute on contact entity)
/// </summary>
protected String Entity2Name;
/// <summary>
/// The Related Entity PrimaryField Name (gi_card)
/// This is the Picklist Option Text
/// </summary>
private String Entity2TextAttribute;
/// <summary>
/// The Primary Entity PrimaryKey Name (contactid)
/// </summary>
private String Entity1KeyAttribute;
/// <summary>
/// The Related N:N Entity PrimaryKey Name (gi_creditcardid)
/// </summary>
private String Entity2KeyAttribute;
/// <summary>
/// CrmService
/// </summary>
private CrmService Service;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve Options From Relationship Entity Using Fetch Message
/// And Set the Listbox Selected Items
/// </summary>
private void Page_SetSelectedOptions()
if (!ObjectId.Equals(Guid.Empty))
String relationShipName = String.Format("gi_{0}_{1}", Entity2Name, Entity1Name);
StringBuilder fetchXml = new StringBuilder();
fetchXml.Append("<fetch mapping='logical'>");
fetchXml.Append("<entity name='").Append(relationShipName).Append("'>");
fetchXml.Append("<all-attributes />");
fetchXml.Append("<condition attribute='contactid' operator='eq' value ='");
fetchXml.Append(ObjectId).Append("' />");
String resultXml = Service.Fetch(fetchXml.ToString());
XmlDocument fetchResult = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList relatedResults = fetchResult.SelectNodes("resultset/result");
foreach (XmlElement item in relatedResults)
XmlElement Entity2KeyAttributeNode = (XmlElement)item.SelectSingleNode(Entity2KeyAttribute);
ListItem CurrentItem = MultiBox.Items.FindByValue(Entity2KeyAttributeNode.InnerText.ToLower());
if( CurrentItem != null ) CurrentItem.Selected = true;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the listbox options from the related entity using
/// queryexpression and fill the listbox.
/// </summary>
private void Page_RetrievePicklistOptions()
QueryExpression creditQuery = new QueryExpression(Entity2Name);
creditQuery.Distinct = true;
creditQuery.Orders.Add(new OrderExpression(Entity2TextAttribute, OrderType.Ascending));
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieveMultipleRequest = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
retrieveMultipleRequest.Query = creditQuery;
retrieveMultipleRequest.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieveMultipleResponse =
MultiBox.Items.Add( "" );
foreach (DynamicEntity creditcard in retrieveMultipleResponse.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities)
Key key = creditcard.Properties[Entity2KeyAttribute] as Key;
ListItem item = new ListItem(
creditcard.Properties[Entity2TextAttribute] + "",
/// <summary>
/// Create the crmservice
/// </summary>
private void Page_CreateService()
CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken();
token.AuthenticationType = 0;
token.OrganizationName = OrganizationName;
Service = new CrmService();
Service.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;
Service.PreAuthenticate = false;
Service.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = true;
Service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
Service.Url = String.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port);
/// <summary>
/// Validate the listbox control parameters
/// </summary>
private void Page_ValidateParameters()
Entity1Name = Request.QueryString["fromentity"];
if (Entity1Name + "" == String.Empty)
throw new Exception("Entity1 Name is Missing");
Entity2Name = Request.QueryString["toentity"];
if (Entity2Name + "" == String.Empty)
throw new Exception("Entity2 Name is Missing");
OrganizationName = Request.QueryString["orgname"];
if (OrganizationName + "" == String.Empty)
throw new Exception("Organization Name is Missing");
ObjectId = Request.QueryString["id"] + "" == String.Empty ? Guid.Empty :
new Guid(Request.QueryString["id"]);
Entity2TextAttribute = Request.QueryString["toattribute"];
if (Entity2TextAttribute + "" == String.Empty)
throw new Exception("Picklist Text Attribute is Missing");
Entity1KeyAttribute = Entity1Name + "id";
Entity2KeyAttribute = Entity2Name + "id";
<Register LogFile="Plug-in Registration Log.txt" Server="http://moss:5555" Org="MicrosoftCRM" Domain="" UserName="administrator">
<Solution SourceType="1" Assembly="MPPlugIn.dll" Id="28f2c17f-2a16-4ce7-9a98-8e627ad2aecf">
<Plugin TypeName="MPPlugIn.MPHandler" FriendlyName="3fe8c6c8-f928-43e3-b2e1-ccb55d651d6c" Id="93ecf707-c794-47df-a76e-9df3a3ee8e00">
<Step PluginTypeName="MPPlugIn.MPHandler" PluginTypeFriendlyName="3fe8c6c8-f928-43e3-b2e1-ccb55d651d6c" CustomConfiguration="" SecureConfiguration="" Description="Create of contact in Parent Pipeline" FilteringAttributes="" ImpersonatingUserId="" InvocationSource="0" MessageName="Create" Mode="0" PrimaryEntityName="contact" SecondaryEntityName="none" Stage="50" SupportedDeployment="0" Rank="1" Id="a0631824-7fc0-dd11-b17c-0003ff2f0264">
<Image EntityAlias="gi_gi_creditcard_contact" ImageType="1" MessagePropertyName="Id" Attributes="contactid,gi_creditcard" Id="405a617d-7fc0-dd11-b17c-0003ff2f0264" />
<Step PluginTypeName="MPPlugIn.MPHandler" PluginTypeFriendlyName="3fe8c6c8-f928-43e3-b2e1-ccb55d651d6c" CustomConfiguration="" SecureConfiguration="" Description="Update of contact in Parent Pipeline" FilteringAttributes="" ImpersonatingUserId="" InvocationSource="0" MessageName="Update" Mode="0" PrimaryEntityName="contact" SecondaryEntityName="none" Stage="50" SupportedDeployment="0" Rank="1" Id="a0d1a8fe-82c0-dd11-b17c-0003ff2f0264">
<Image EntityAlias="gi_gi_creditcard_contact" ImageType="2" MessagePropertyName="Target" Attributes="contactid,gi_creditcard" Id="f0d85819-83c0-dd11-b17c-0003ff2f0264" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy;
namespace MPPlugIn
public class MPHandler : IPlugin
#region IPlugin Members
/// <summary>
/// A Multipicklist context Object
/// </summary>
public class MPContext
/// <summary>
/// MS Context
/// </summary>
public IPluginExecutionContext context;
/// <summary>
/// The Entity 1 (Primary: contact in this case) Primary Key e.g. contactid
/// </summary>
public String Entity1PrimaryAttributeName;
/// <summary>
/// The Entity 2 (related: gi_creditcard in this case) Name
/// </summary>
public String Entity2Name;
/// <summary>
/// An Entity 1 Attribute that is used as a transport form selected options.
/// in this case i called it gi_creditcard (same and the related entity name)
/// You can give it any name you like.
/// </summary>
public String Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute;
/// <summary>
/// The relationship name of contact and gi_creditcard
/// e.g. gi_gi_creditcard_contact. this is also used as the
/// PreImage and PostImage ALIAS names.
/// </summary>
public String N2NRelationShipName;
/// <summary>
/// Entity 1 (Primary) Name
/// Primary means the entity where the multipicklist is put.
/// Related means the entity from which the multipicklist options are taken.
/// </summary>
private String _Entity1Name;
public String Entity1Name
return this._Entity1Name;
this._Entity1Name = value;
this.Entity1PrimaryAttributeName = value + "id";
/// <summary>
/// Initialize a new MP context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
public MPContext(IPluginExecutionContext context) {
this.context = context;
/// <summary>
/// PlugIn Implementation:
/// 1. Create a new MPContext
/// 2. Fill the MPContext parameters
/// 3. Disassociate old options
/// 4. Associate new options
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
public void Execute(IPluginExecutionContext context)
MPContext mpContext = new MPContext(context);
mpContext.Entity1Name = "contact";
mpContext.Entity2Name = "gi_creditcard";
mpContext.Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute = "gi_creditcard";
mpContext.N2NRelationShipName = "gi_gi_creditcard_contact";
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the existing options from the storage (transport) attribute
/// on the primary entity (contact) and call DisassociateEntitiesRequest
/// to remove the association
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
private void DisAssociateMultiplePicklist(MPContext context)
IPluginExecutionContext msContext = context.context;
Validates that the relationship name (e.g. gi_gi_creditcard_contact)
is the name you gave the PreImage Alias.
if (msContext.PreEntityImages.Properties.Contains(context.N2NRelationShipName) == true)
//Retrieve the PreImage dynamic (Primary) entity 1 (contact)
DynamicEntity Entity1 = msContext.PreEntityImages.Properties[context.N2NRelationShipName] as DynamicEntity;
Validates that the image contains the primarykey (contactid) in the property bag.
the contactid represents one side of the link (Moniker).
if (Entity1.Properties.Contains(context.Entity1PrimaryAttributeName) == false)
/* Extract the id (contactid) */
Guid primaryEntityId = ((Key)Entity1.Properties[context.Entity1PrimaryAttributeName]).Value;
If the options (transport) attribute is missing
meaning that the its value is null then exit
if( Entity1.Properties.Contains( context.Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute ) == false )
/* get the existing options */
String strOptions = Entity1.Properties[context.Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute] + "";
if (strOptions.Equals(String.Empty)) return;
/* create an option array */
String[] mpOptions = strOptions.Split(',');
/* create a crmservice */
ICrmService Service = msContext.CreateCrmService(true);
/* for each option disassociate (remove) the link */
foreach (String option in mpOptions)
Guid relatedEntityId = new Guid(option);
DisassociateEntitiesRequest assocRequest = new DisassociateEntitiesRequest();
assocRequest.Moniker1 = new Moniker(context.Entity1Name, primaryEntityId);
assocRequest.Moniker2 = new Moniker(context.Entity2Name, relatedEntityId);
assocRequest.RelationshipName = context.N2NRelationShipName;
/// <summary>
/// Associates the new selected options with the primary entity (contact)
/// using the selected options taken from the PostImage Propery bag.
/// See DisAssociateMultiplePicklist method for code details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
private void AssociateMultiplePicklist( MPContext context )
IPluginExecutionContext msContext = context.context;
if (msContext.PostEntityImages.Properties.Contains(context.N2NRelationShipName) == true)
DynamicEntity Entity1 = msContext.PostEntityImages.Properties[context.N2NRelationShipName] as DynamicEntity;
if (Entity1.Properties.Contains(context.Entity1PrimaryAttributeName) == false)
Guid primaryEntityId = ((Key)Entity1.Properties[context.Entity1PrimaryAttributeName]).Value;
if (Entity1.Properties.Contains(context.Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute) == false)
String strOptions = Entity1.Properties[context.Entity1PicklistOptionsAttribute] + "";
if (strOptions.Equals(String.Empty)) return;
String[] mpOptions = strOptions.Split(',');
ICrmService Service = msContext.CreateCrmService(true);
foreach (String option in mpOptions)
Guid relatedEntityId = new Guid(option);
AssociateEntitiesRequest assocRequest = new AssociateEntitiesRequest();
assocRequest.Moniker1 = new Moniker(context.Entity1Name, primaryEntityId);
assocRequest.Moniker2 = new Moniker(context.Entity2Name, relatedEntityId);
assocRequest.RelationshipName = context.N2NRelationShipName;
Service.Execute( assocRequest );
//Case History statecode options
var ServiceOptions =
Active : "0",
Resolved : "1",
Canceled : "2",
All : "All"
var _loadarea = loadArea;
loadArea = function(sArea, sParams, sUrl, bIsvMode)
//load the iframe
_loadarea(sArea, sParams, sUrl, bIsvMode);
if( sArea != "areaService" ) return;
//create the iframe object
var iframe = document.getElementById(sArea + "Frame");
//wait until the iframe is fully loaded ("complete")
iframe.onreadystatechange = function()
if( iframe.readyState == "complete")
var picklist,option;
//reference to the iframe document
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
case "areaService":
picklist = iframeDoc.all.statecode[0];
option = ServiceOptions.All;
picklist.value = option;
parameters: fieldId - crm field id
minValue - positive number
maxValue - positive number
function UpDownControl( fieldId , minValue , maxValue )
var Instance = this;
/* crm field */
var upDownCtrlBox = crmForm.all[ fieldId ];
/* field parent element field_d */
var parent = upDownCtrlBox.parentElement;
/* this span affects the spanUpDown scroll */
var span = document.createElement( "<SPAN style='visibility:hidden;width:1;'>" );
var spanUpDownHeight = upDownCtrlBox.clientHeight - 2;
/* this span is the scroller */
var spanUpDown = document.createElement( "<SPAN style='margin-left:-18px;overflow-y:scroll;width:1;height:" + spanUpDownHeight + ";'>" );
/* max range */
Instance.Max = maxValue;
/* min range */
Instance.Min = minValue;
/* fires when the scroll is pressed */
function onScrollChange()
/* get the current scroll position */
var scrollTop = parseInt( spanUpDown.scrollTop );
/* adjust size if value is outside of the scroll limits */
if( scrollTop < Instance.Min ){
scrollTop = Instance.Min;
spanUpDown.scrollTop = scrollTop;
else if( scrollTop > Instance.Max ){
scrollTop = Instance.Max;
spanUpDown.scrollTop = scrollTop;
/* assign the scroll value back to the field */
upDownCtrlBox.DataValue = scrollTop;
/* fires when the field value changes */
function onValueChange()
/* if the value is valid */
if( upDownCtrlBox.DataValue != null )
/* get the value */
var dataValue = parseInt( upDownCtrlBox.DataValue );
/* check that the vlaue is within permitted limits */
if( dataValue < Instance.Min ){
dataValue = Instance.Min;
upDownCtrlBox.DataValue = dataValue;
return false;
else if( dataValue > Instance.Max ){
dataValue = Instance.Max;
upDownCtrlBox.DataValue = dataValue;
return false;
/* assign the field value back to the scroll */
spanUpDown.scrollTop = dataValue;
/* assign min value is the datavalue is null */
else spanUpDown.scrollTop = Instance.Min;
/* fire onValueChange when the field is changed */
upDownCtrlBox.attachEvent( "onchange" , onValueChange );
/* adjust inner span height = maxValue + spanHeight */ = maxValue + spanUpDownHeight;
/* construct the updown control */
spanUpDown.appendChild( span );
/* fire onScrollChange when the user presses the scrollbar */
spanUpDown.attachEvent( "onscroll" , onScrollChange );
parent.appendChild( spanUpDown );
/* call onValueChange when the form loads / control is created */
widthUpDownCtrl = new UpDownControl("gi_width" , 20 , 10000 );
// JScript File
function OnCrmPageLoad()
/* Change gi_name text field to a textlist */
var nameTextList = new TextList( "gi_name" );
/* Set 2 dependent fields */
nameTextList.DependentFields.Add( "gi_dependentfield1" , "JustANumber" );
nameTextList.DependentFields.Add( "gi_dependentfield2" , "Color" );
/* Add blank option */
nameTextList.Add( "" , "" );
for( var i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
/* Fill some values */
var option = nameTextList.Add( "Text " + i , "Value " + i );
/* create 2 new attributes on each option (Color,JustANumber) */
option.Color = "A" + i + "B" + i + "C" + i;
option.JustANumber = i.toString();
/* Set the initial value */
/* Finish the job */
Holds a list of all dependent fields.
Each textlist has a dependent fields collection
DependentFieldCollection = function()
this.List = [];
this.Add = function( name , prop ){
this.List.push( new DependentField( name , prop ) );
Single Dependent Field.
The Object maps between an option attribute an a crmForm field
DependentField = function( name , prop )
this.Property = prop;
this.Name = name;
/* Text list control */
TextList = function( txtId )
var textList = this;
/* Referech the original text field */
var textCtrl = crmForm.all[ txtId ];
if (!textCtrl) return alert("TextList: " + txtId + " Is Missing");
/* Create a new Picklist control */
textList.Picklist = document.createElement("SELECT"); =;
textList.Picklist.req = textCtrl.req;
textList.Picklist.tabIndex = textCtrl.tabIndex;
textList.Picklist.className = "ms-crm-SelectBox ";
textList.Picklist.defaultSelected = textCtrl.DataValue;
textList.DependentFields = new DependentFieldCollection();
/* Add the new picklist and remove the text control */
textCtrl.parentElement.appendChild( textList.Picklist );
textCtrl.parentElement.removeChild( textCtrl );
Finish the textlist transformation
Create inline dependent fields properties on the textlist
Attach an update function to the picklist onchange event
textList.Transform = function()
for( var i = 0;i < textList.DependentFields.List.length;i++ ){
var depField = textList.DependentFields.List[ i ];
textList[ depField.Name ] = crmForm.all[ depField.Name ];
textList.Picklist.attachEvent( "onchange" , UpdateDependentFields );
/* Sets the picklist value */
textList.SetValue = function( value )
textList.Picklist.DataValue = value;
Sets the picklist initial value.
This should be called when the page load after you fill the picklist options
textList.SetInitValue = function( fireEvent )
textList.Picklist.DataValue = textList.Picklist.defaultSelected;
if(fireEvent) textList.Picklist.FireOnChange();
/* Add a new picklist Option */
textList.Add = function( text , value )
return textList.Picklist.AddOption( text , value );
/* Remove a picklist Option by its value */
textList.Remove = function( value )
textList.Picklist.DeleteOption( value );
/* Clear all Picklist Options */
textList.Clear = function()
textList.Picklist.length = 0;
/* Helper property for attaching to an event from within the picklist control */
textList.Attach = function( targetId , eventName , callback )
var target = document.all[ targetId ];
if ( target ) target.attachEvent( eventName , callback );
/* Updates the dependent fields when the picklist onchange fires */
function UpdateDependentFields()
if ( textList.Picklist.selectedIndex > -1 )
for( var i = 0;i < textList.DependentFields.List.length;i++ )
var depField = textList.DependentFields.List[ i ];
textList[ depField.Name ].DataValue = textList.Picklist.SelectedOption[ depField.Property ];
textList[ depField.Name ].FireOnChange();
function OnCrmPageLoad()
/* Convert the text attribute ‘gi_ministep1’ to a mini section */
function CreateMiniSection( ctrlId )
var Control = crmForm.all[ ctrlId ];
if ( !Control ) return;
Control.DataValue = " " + crmForm.GetLabel(Control);
Control.Disabled = true; = "font-weight:900;border:1px solid #94b2de;filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr=#eff3ff,EndColorStr=#cedfff)";
function OnCrmPageLoad()
function RestrictAccessToIFrame(iframeId)
/* Reference the relevant IFRAME */
var testIframe = document.all[iframeId];
/* get the iframe parent container */
var testIframeParent = testIframe.parentElement;
/* if the IFRAME exist */
if (testIframe)
/* Save the Original Iframe HTML */
var testIframeHTML = testIframe.outerHTML;
/* Remove the Original IFRAME */
/* Create a new IFRAME Instead */
testIframe = document.createElement(testIframeHTML);
/* Add an IFRAME restriction attribute to the new IFRAME Element */
/* IF needed rebuild the IFRAME url */
testIframe.src = "/MicrosoftCRM/_root/homepage.aspx?etc=1";
/* Append the IFRAME to its original parent element */
if ( typeof(XML) == 'undefined' ) XML = function() {};
// constructor
XML.ObjTree = function () {
return this;
// object prototype
XML.ObjTree.prototype.xmlDecl = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n';
XML.ObjTree.prototype.attr_prefix = '';
// method: parseXML( xmlsource )
XML.ObjTree.prototype.parseXML = function ( xml ) {
var root;
if ( window.ActiveXObject ) {
xmldom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
xmldom.async = false;
xmldom.loadXML( xml );
root = xmldom.documentElement;
if ( ! root ) return;
return this.parseDOM( root );
// method: parseDOM( documentroot )
XML.ObjTree.prototype.parseDOM = function ( root ) {
if ( ! root ) return;
this.__force_array = {};
if ( this.force_array ) {
for( var i=0; i<this.force_array.length; i++ ) {
this.__force_array[this.force_array[i]] = 1;
var json = this.parseElement( root ); // parse root node
if ( this.__force_array[root.nodeName] ) {
json = [ json ];
if ( root.nodeType != 11 ) { // DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
var tmp = {};
tmp[root.nodeName] = json; // root nodeName
json = tmp;
return json;
// method: parseElement( element )
XML.ObjTree.prototype.parseElement = function ( elem ) {
if ( elem.nodeType == 7 ) {
if ( elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 4 ) {
var bool = elem.nodeValue.match( /[^\x00-\x20]/ );
if ( bool == null ) return; // ignore white spaces
return elem.nodeValue;
var retval;
var cnt = {};
// parse attributes
if ( elem.attributes && elem.attributes.length ) {
retval = {};
for ( var i=0; i<elem.attributes.length; i++ ) {
var key = elem.attributes[i].nodeName;
if ( typeof(key) != "string" ) continue;
var val = elem.attributes[i].nodeValue;
if ( ! val ) continue;
key = this.attr_prefix + key;
if ( typeof(cnt[key]) == "undefined" ) cnt[key] = 0;
cnt[key] ++;
this.addNode( retval, key, cnt[key], val );
// parse child nodes (recursive)
if ( elem.childNodes && elem.childNodes.length ) {
var textonly = true;
if ( retval ) textonly = false; // some attributes exists
for ( var i=0; i<elem.childNodes.length && textonly; i++ ) {
var ntype = elem.childNodes[i].nodeType;
if ( ntype == 3 || ntype == 4 ) continue;
textonly = false;
if ( textonly ) {
if ( ! retval ) retval = "";
for ( var i=0; i<elem.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
retval += elem.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
} else {
if ( ! retval ) retval = {};
for ( var i=0; i<elem.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var key = elem.childNodes[i].nodeName.replace("#","");
if ( typeof(key) != "string" ) continue;
var val = this.parseElement( elem.childNodes[i] );
if ( ! val ) continue;
if ( typeof(cnt[key]) == "undefined" ) cnt[key] = 0;
cnt[key] ++;
this.addNode( retval, key, cnt[key], val );
return retval;
// method: addNode( hash, key, count, value )
XML.ObjTree.prototype.addNode = function ( hash, key, cnts, val ) {
key = this.key_qualify(key);
if ( this.__force_array[key] ) {
if ( cnts == 1 ) hash[key] = [];
hash[key][hash[key].length] = val; // push
} else if ( cnts == 1 ) { // 1st sibling
hash[key] = val;
} else if ( cnts == 2 ) { // 2nd sibling
hash[key] = [ hash[key], val ];
} else { // 3rd sibling and more
hash[key][hash[key].length] = val;
XML.ObjTree.prototype.key_qualify = function( key ){
return key.replace(/\W/gi,"");
// method: xml_escape( text )
XML.ObjTree.prototype.xml_escape = function ( text ) {
return String(text).replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"');
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Yusuke Kawasaki. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic license. Or whatever license I choose,
which I will do instead of keeping this documentation like it is.
<resultset morerecords=\"0\" paging-cookie=\"<cookie page="1"><fullname last="SYSTEM" first="INTEGRATION" /><systemuserid last="{D874E288-2C8C-43D5-AEBA-5404888BC185}" first="{B2C53269-CFF5-4F26-A4E5-669284EA6E96}" /></cookie>\">
<businessunitid dsc=\"0\" name=\"MicrosoftCRM\">
<fullname>LitwareInc Administrator</fullname>
<businessunitid dsc=\"0\" name=\"MicrosoftCRM\">
function OnCrmPageLoad()
/* Get All Users */
var fetchXml = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">';
fetchXml += '<entity name="systemuser">';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="fullname"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="businessunitid"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="title"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="address1_telephone1"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="systemuserid"/>';
fetchXml += '<order attribute="fullname" descending="false"/>';
fetchXml += '</entity>';
fetchXml += '</fetch>';
/* Make the fetch and retrieve xml result */
var resxml = Fetch(fetchXml);
/* Create an ObjTree Object */
var xotree = new XML.ObjTree();
/* Objectize xml result */
var tree = xotree.parseXML( resxml );
if the original node contains only data then the property is treated as string
alert( tree.resultset.result[0].fullname )
if the original node contains attributes or children then you should treat it as
object and reference its properties e.g. object.text and object.propertyName
alert( tree.resultset.result[0].businessunitid.text ); //GUID
alert( tree.resultset.result[0] ); //OrgName
function Fetch( xml )
var Xml = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">"
Xml += GenerateAuthenticationHeader()
Xml += "<soap:Body>";
Xml += "<Fetch xmlns=\"\">";
Xml += "<fetchXml>";
Xml += _HtmlEncode(xml); // Microsoft _HtmlEncode function
Xml += "</fetchXml>";
Xml += "</Fetch>";
Xml += "</soap:Body>";
Xml += "</soap:Envelope>";
var XmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp(); // Microsot CreateXmlHttp function"POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", false ); //Sync Request
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
return XmlHttp.responseXML.text
var customerLookup;
function OnCrmPageLoad()
customerLookup = crmForm.all.customerid;
window.CustomerRelatedNotes = new FetchViewer("IFRAME_relatednotes");
CustomerRelatedNotes.LayoutXml = getLayoutXml();
CustomerRelatedNotes.Entity = "annotation";
CustomerRelatedNotes.QueryId = "{DDDFF6AE-2F52-4640-B2BB-2BA59DA0777C}";
//First Time
CustomerRelatedNotes.RegisterOnTab(0); //IFRAME ON THE DEFAULT TAB
//Consequent lookup selections
crmForm.all.customerid.attachEvent( "onchange" , function(){
The function construct a valid fetchexml depending on the customer selection taking the customer type into account.
If the customer lookup does not contain data then the fetch uses an empty GUID
function SetRelatedNotesFetchXml(){
var customerGuid = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
var customerType = "account"
if( customerLookup.DataValue != null )
customerGuid = customerLookup.DataValue[0].id;
customerType = customerLookup.DataValue[0].typename;
var fetchXml = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">';
fetchXml += '<entity name="annotation">';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="subject"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="notetext"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="filename"/>';
fetchXml += '<attribute name="annotationid"/>';
fetchXml += '<order attribute="subject" descending="false"/>';
fetchXml += '<filter type="and">';
fetchXml += '<condition attribute="isdocument" operator="eq" value="1"/>';
fetchXml += '</filter>';
fetchXml += '<link-entity name="' + customerType + '" from="' + customerType + 'id" to="objectid" alias="aa">';
fetchXml += '<filter type="and">';
fetchXml += '<condition attribute="' + customerType + 'id" operator="eq" uitype="' + customerType + '" value="' + customerGuid + '"/>';
fetchXml += '</filter>';
fetchXml += '</link-entity>';
fetchXml += '</entity></fetch>';
CustomerRelatedNotes.FetchXml = fetchXml;
function getLayoutXml(){
return '<grid name="resultset" object="5" jump="" select="1" icon="1" preview="1"><row name="result" id="annotationid"><cell name="subject" width="200" /><cell name="notetext" width="200" /><cell name="filename" width="80" /></row></grid>';
function FetchViewer( iframeId )
var Instance = this;
var vDynamicForm;
var m_iframeTab;
var m_iframeDoc;
Instance.Entity = "";
Instance.Iframe = null;
Instance.FetchXml = "";
Instance.QueryId = "";
Instance.LayoutXml = "";
Instance.RegisterOnTab = function( tabIndex )
Instance.Iframe = document.getElementById( iframeId );
if( !Instance.Iframe )
return alert( "Iframe " + iframeId + " is undefined" );
m_iframeDoc = getIframeDocument();
var loadingGifHTML = "<table height='100%' width='100%' style='cursor:wait'>";
loadingGifHTML += "<tr>";
loadingGifHTML += "<td valign='middle' align='center'>";
loadingGifHTML += "<img alt='' src='/_imgs/AdvFind/progress.gif'/>";
loadingGifHTML += "<div/><b>Loading View...</b>";
loadingGifHTML += "</td></tr></table>";
m_iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = loadingGifHTML;
if( parseInt( "0" + tabIndex ) == 0 ) Instance.Refresh();
else Instance.Iframe.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange" , RefreshOnReadyStateChange );
function RefreshOnReadyStateChange()
if( Instance.Iframe.readyState != 'complete' )
Instance.Refresh = function()
if( !Instance.Iframe )
return alert( "Iframe " + iframeId + " is undefined" );
m_iframeDoc = getIframeDocument();
Instance.Iframe.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange" , RefreshOnReadyStateChange );
var create = m_iframeDoc.createElement;
var append1 = m_iframeDoc.appendChild;
vDynamicForm = create("<FORM name='vDynamicForm' method='post'>");
var append2 = vDynamicForm.appendChild;
append2(create("<INPUT type='hidden' name='FetchXml'>"));
append2(create("<INPUT type='hidden' name='LayoutXml'>"));
append2(create("<INPUT type='hidden' name='EntityName'>"));
append2(create("<INPUT type='hidden' name='DefaultAdvFindViewId'>"));
append2(create("<INPUT type='hidden' name='ViewType'>"));
append1( vDynamicForm );
vDynamicForm.action = "/" + ORG_UNIQUE_NAME + "/AdvancedFind/fetchData.aspx";
vDynamicForm.FetchXml.value = Instance.FetchXml;
vDynamicForm.LayoutXml.value = Instance.LayoutXml;
vDynamicForm.EntityName.value = Instance.Entity;
vDynamicForm.DefaultAdvFindViewId.value = Instance.QueryId;
vDynamicForm.ViewType.value = 1039;
Instance.Iframe.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange" , OnViewReady );
function OnViewReady()
if( Instance.Iframe.readyState != 'complete' ) return; = 0;
Instance.Iframe.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange" , OnViewReady );
m_iframeDoc = getIframeDocument();
m_iframeDoc.body.scroll = "no"; = "0px";
function getIframeDocument(){
return Instance.Iframe.contentWindow.document;
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